Map of the Places Visited Throughout the Book

Map of the Places Visited Throughout the Book

Florence, Italy


I also have actually been to Rome. It was my third favorite city to visit. My first was also in Italy, it was Venice. Rome was also the setting of one of my favorite movies, Gladiator. Italy was the center of the great Roman Empire that spread throughout much of Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa from about A.D. 100 to 476. Rome is a beautiful city. It is one of the cities of romance and adventure. The buildings are cramped in tight spaces and the alleys and streets are so narrow only 3 people fit across. It is a miracle the hospitals aren’t overcrowded with patients suffering from car accidents. The way Romans park is ridiculous. They go wherever there is space, even on sidewalks and tailgating is seen as the common thing. I of course visited the Colosseum which is an old Roman amphitheater where Romans gathered to watch gladiators fight each other. I also went to the Trevi Fountain, the Spanish Steps, and Vatican City. It is the center of the Roman Catholic Church and home to the pope. The largest Christian Church in the world, St. Peter’s Basilica along with the Sistine Chapel, is in Vatican City.